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more_mayucchi's princess diaries

the L word

the L wordって言葉は『プリンセス・ダイアリー』シリーズの作品にしばしば登場する表現ですが、
要するに"I LOVE YOU"ってこと。

"the L word" often appears on those books of "Princess Diaries" series and it means "I LOVE YOU".
The heroine named Mia likes to use the expression "the L word".

These are my recent favorite sentences below.

"Do you just love me like a friend?" I asked him, trying to sound cynically amused, you know, the way Rene would, in order to keep the truth from him―that my heart was pounding a mile a minute. "Or are you IN love with me?"
Michael was staring over the back of the couch at me. He looked like he couldn't quite believe his ears. I couldn't believe my own. Had I really just asked him that? Just come out and asked him, flying in the face of all Tina and I had discussed?
Apparently―judging from his incredulous expression, anyway―I had. I could feel myself starting to turn redder, and redder, and redder, and redder....
Jane Eyre would so never have asked that question.
But then again, maybe she ought to have. Because the way Michael responded made the whole embarrassment of having had to ask completely and totally worth it. And the way he responded was, he reached out, took my tiara from me, laid it down on the couch beside him, took both my hands in his, pulled me toward him, and gave me a really long kiss.
On the lips.
Of the French variety.
We missed the entire scrolling prologue to the movie, due to kissing. Then finally when the sound of Princess Leia's starship being fired upon roused us from our passionate embrace, Michael said, "Of course I'm in love with you. Now come sit down and eat."
It truly was the most romantic moment of my entire life. If I live to be as old as Grandmere, I will never be as happy as I was at that moment. I just stood there, thrilled to pieces, for about a minute. I mean, I could barely get over it. He loved me. Not only that, he was IN love with me! Michael Moscovitz is in love with me, Mia Thermopolis!


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